What Is the Ideal Installation Height for Sinks and Toilets?

The impression of the whole bathroom can be disturbed by a low or very high sink and toilet. It is literally frustrating if you have to stoop or bend down to things for personal hygiene on a daily basis. We will advise you on how to solve this key aspect - the height of the installation.

If you were tackling the question of the right placement in your home, you would probably be guided by the height of you and your family members. But what if you have several employees of different heights and also with physical disabilities?

Advice number one, discuss the height in advance with the installation company or design studio and get a firm agreement.

This Is the Standard

One of the most important and most frequently used furnishing items in the bathroom is the washbasin. Its width can range from 18 to 63 centimetres and its depth from 37 to 45 centimetres. The recommended installation height for a person of average height is 85-90cm. There must be enough space in front of the washbasin for bending over, moving the hands when washing and for wiping.

As far as the toilet is concerned, the top edge of both the wall-hung toilet and the wall-hung bidet should be 40cm from the floor. According to typological rules, there should be about 15 to 20cm from either side of the toilet to the nearest fitting or wall. The bidet should be as close as possible to the toilet bowl, given its function. For obvious reasons, a towel should not be placed near it, but paper towels are a more hygienic alternative.

Urinals are installed in public places to reduce the cost of room layout, compactness and ease of maintenance. Most often, the design has a hinged type of installation. The standard height of its top edge is 108cm, while a drain with a precise diameter of 4 cm is installed at 35cm level.

The disabled should ideally have their own washbasin adapted to the type of disability. Whether it is a wheelchair user or a person on crutches, one thing these washbasins have in common is that they must have enough space around them for comfortable use.

For the height of the basin for disabled people, or the height of the top edge, a value of 80cm from the floor is given. This height allows the user to go under the basin with a wheelchair and wash their hands comfortably. 

Avoid Mistakes

Although it sounds quite simple, some craftsmen make some mistakes when measuring. For example:

  • not respecting the distance of the mounting holes from the edge of the sink
  • making uneven sink edges
    (A spirit level will determine that the height is the same all around)
  • displacement of the height of the washbasin due to an increase in the height of the floor (due to concreting, scraping, paving, etc.).

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